Syed Sultan Beevi Amma Sahiba is a popularly known by the Nagore Peoples as West Nagore Seematti. Amma Sahiba is the loveable wife of Yusuf DhaDha Sahib Nagoori. She is also known as West Nagore Kwaja Makhdoom youngest daughter. Father Kwaja Makhdoom came to West Nagore from arabic country for the shipping trade. From the birth Syed Sultan Beevi Amma Sahiba lived a life of affluence.
The hardships and the poverty are all ignorant. Husband did They lived opposite them Wealth Prosperity All these were hated and set aside for the worship of Allah. The husband was about the Syed Sultan Beevi Amma Sahiba hand and devoted his life completely to the Lord. She followed the same path as her husband and led a simple life with her husband at Mudhubak in Nagore Dargah Shareef. It is through them that,the Lord has brought yousuf dhadha sahib heirs to this earth. Sultan Beevi amma sahiba gave birth to 6 boys and 2 girls children. The Sahib, who still live in Nagore dargha shareef,are their descendants of (Saint) nagore aandavar . These will continue until the Day of Judgment. Nagore women are getting their vision of what Sultan Beevi Amma did.